Armoury Director Ben Perry's Spot for Department of Education's 'Get the Jump' Gets Ahead of Career Anxiety
Finding a career can be incredibly overwhelming, especially at a young age, there’s so many directions but sometimes it can feel like there is no destination. Worrying endlessly that you still don’t know which step to make, but you don’t need to know where you’re going to get going, that’s the message in Ben Perry’s ‘Get the Jump’. A brand new informative and engaging commercial made for the Department Of Education.
The new ‘Get the Jump’ Skills for Life campaign is aimed at people between the ages of 14 & 19 and covers a range of education and training options with a spotlight on educational and technical routes from T-Levels, Traineeships, Apprenticeships and Higher Technical Qualifications.
Ben’s direction captures the sense of dread and anxiety that can come with the daunting pressure of choosing a career, using images of social media accounts which surround the protagonist, while you hear various confused voices. However when we hear the information about the Get the Jump campaign we see the protagonist freed from all the confusion and they suddenly have a sense of direction and confidence with a brilliant use of VFX and movement to convey a feeling of relief and excitement.